The online store for trees and shrubs is now closed. A limited amount of extra stock will be available on Saturday, April 20 between 9am and 1pm.

April 20 - Pickup Day

The Conservation District is pleased to be your local source of native conifers, hardwoods and dune grass for reforestation and restoration projects. We also have disease-resistant fruit trees for those interested in starting a backyard orchard. We recommend investing in tubes to protect your seedlings from deer browse and to promote quick growth. Our 60” Miracle Tubes are best for deciduous trees, although white pine and white cedar benefit from protection as well. We have spiral-wrap tree guards to protect apple, cherry, and pear trees from critter damage.



conifer transplants

deciduous tREES & SHRUBS


fruit trees, berries & Grapes

dune grass

planting supplies & additional items